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Dating company in Poland

Arshakuny 1 | 4
8 Jan 2016 #1
Hello everyone,

My name is Arshak, I am from Armenia. For the last 4 years I have been traveling around the Europe.
I am a professional ballet dancer, but also I really love women :)
Years a go I made myself a mission to master the art of seduction, and became very good at it.
I have learn a lot about myself, about my own spirituality, cause women.
I live in Poland right now, and have to say women here are incredible they are smart, beautiful, feminine and sexy.
And men here look like, that they just came out fighting with dinosaurs :)
But I am planning to change this, I want to teach guys how to be more charismatic, confident, fearless etc.
Most guys don't realise that they have true choice in life, so they can choose women or friends to engage with.
And this lead to other stuff as well as, living your life the way you want not the way people expect you to,
or not working at the job that you hate, but bringing up the excuse "well, at least I am paying my bills".
This is what I am truly passionate about to teach guys how to go for what they really want in life.
For the begining, I am looking for a camera guy to record the material, so clients will understand what they are working with.
And also, if you have skills that might be useful to help me out to make his revolution, please send me a message via Facebook or email.


Thank you,
Arshak Gyozalyan
Ziemowit 14 | 4,258
8 Jan 2016 #2
And men here look like, that they just came out fighting with dinosaurs :)

That's true. The real Polish men have been fighting with dinosaurs for quite a long time now.

if you have skills that might be useful to help me out to make his revolution,

What revolution!? Don't you know that every revolution devours its own children after some time?
OP Arshakuny 1 | 4
8 Jan 2016 #3
I meant a revolution on your own exieties and fear though...

And I guess they won the fight against them hahaha
Sparks11 - | 333
8 Jan 2016 #4
Who would be your target audience? I assume you will say "all men in Poland" I know some people who conduct business workshops to help Polish professionals deal with Americans specifically as they can be aggressive in business and might need some getting used to. As far as teaching everyone how to be more confident, good luck. MTV tried it a decade or so ago with "Made" I don't really think you can change the Polish mindset with a video or training sessions, it's ingrained, it's part of the culture, some girls find it charming, the shy chivalry.
OP Arshakuny 1 | 4
8 Jan 2016 #5
Polish, African, Indian... It doesn't metter, I wanna teach them to be honest and unapologetic about their desires and intentions.
If I could do that, than so can anyone. I am not gonna train all men of Poland, but I will coach the guys who are big picture thinkers.

Who know that there is alwayse something else rather than getting married with first or 3 girl that pulled down her pants in front of you.

And MTV is full of crap I don't deal with that...

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